18/04/2024 - 11:42 h

Pre-campaign for the prevention of forest fires launched

Safety and prevention. Prevention work has been brought forward owing to the current drought and the state of vegetation in Collserola.

11/04/2024 - 11:22 h

Information sessions on the prevention of forest fires get under way

Safety and prevention. The goal is to conduct talks in all mountain districts.

10/04/2024 - 15:10 h

Registration process open for the 25th Vueling Cursa Bombers de Barcelona

The registration process is now open for the 25th Vueling Cursa Bombers de Barcelona, which is being held on 10 November 2024.

18/03/2024 - 12:21 h

Date set for the 25th Vueling Cursa Bombers Barcelona

The Vueling Cursa Bombers Barcelona marks its 25th anniversary on 10 November 2024.

Una aula universitària amb persones que participen en les proves de selecció al cos de Bombers i de Guàrdia Urbana. Autor: Sergi Ramos.
16/03/2024 - 11:46 h

Over 5,100 candidates start the entrance exams for the City Police and the Fire Service

Safety and prevention. Those who pass the entrance process for the City Police will start the basic police training course, while candidates for the Fire Service will take part in a selection course.

15/03/2024 - 10:30 h

No forest fires! Prevention campaign until 15 October

Safety and prevention. This year we need to exercise more caution than ever.

12/03/2024 - 14:29 h

The Barcelona Fire Service awards its distinctions for 2024

Safety and prevention. Vehicles belonging to the Fire Service were also displayed in Plaça de Sant Jaume.

12/03/2024 - 09:57 h

The City Police and the Barcelona Fire Service await at the Education Fair!

Safety and prevention. The fair is on at Fira de Barcelona from 13 to 17 March.

08/03/2024 - 14:42 h

Distinctions awarded by the Barcelona Fire Service on its annual day in 2024

Safety and prevention. Sixteen diplomas were given in recognition of collaboration with the corps.

Two Barcelona Guàrdia Urbana officers
19/02/2024 - 19:50 h

Crime figures for the city in 2023

Safety and prevention. Police action in 2023 increased compared to 2022.