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Active inclusion on the city register as a model for guaranteeing basic rights

28/10/2020 - 16:39 h

Inclusion. The means of inclusion on the city register have been strengthened since 2016, affording protection for people in vulnerable situations.

The Barcelona metropolitan area organised a session with 36 municipal councils in the region and other organisations to present Barcelona’s model for inclusion on the city register. Various organisations such as the Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya, Europa Sense Murs, Càritas and the Taula d’Entitats del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya explained how being on the city register offers a gateway to basic rights.

Barcelona’s city registration model stands out as a guarantee for access to basic services which seeks to extend the registration process to all citizens in the city, regardless of their administrative situation.

Implemented in 2016, the measure helps strengthen the support circuit for people in vulnerable situations in terms of housing, as they have no fixed abode or can’t provide proof of where they live. In Barcelona, anybody living at an address but unable to provide the necessary documentation can also get onto the city register.

The register as a guarantee of basic rights

Inclusion on the city register is an essential procedure for guaranteeing people’s basic rights. Registration enables people to access public healthcare, get children schooled, demonstrate social ties, access family reunification and more.