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New campaign on basic payment accounts

05/07/2022 - 11:13 h

FINANCIAL RIGHTS. Access to financial services is vital to access many other rights.

The Directorate of Citizenship Rights has launched the campaign to guarantee the right to the basic payment account. The basic payment account is a financial service that seeks to deal with possible financial exclusion and is set up as a more and necessary element within the field of financial rights. Access to financial services is vital for access to many other rights.

That is why from Directorate of Citizenship Rights a series of products have been developed to disseminate the existence of this right, give the necessary information on how to access it and how to claim it in the event of a refusal, and to offer the services of the Office for Non Discrimination in this area when situations of discrimination and violation of the law are given.

1. Web section on the Office page for non-discrimination, explaining in detail what the basic payment accounts are.

2. Short Video on Basic Payment Accounts, available in Catalan and Spanish.

3. Brochure with all the practical and detailed information on what the basic payment accounts are, what is needed to open one and how to claim them if they are denied. The brochures are available in English, Catalan, and Spanish

4. Training: We will organize training sessions on the basic payment account and the procedure to request (and claim it in the event of a refusal).

If you are interested in having printed brochures for your entity or service or participate in the training sessions, you can send an email to