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02/11/2021 - 10:08 h

Return of the BCN Diverse City meeting

Diversity. A festive gathering with a message, to show, share and enjoy the diversity of the city of Barcelona.

18/10/2021 - 14:49 h

The Plan for Childhood 2021-2030 includes the vision of experts and children to defend their rights

Plan for Childhood. In addition to children, over 150 experts helped draft a plan with over 70 actions which could mean a significant qualitative leap in the lives of children in Barcelona.

Premi CMIB 2021
07/10/2021 - 16:58 h

Call for entries for the 13th Barcelona Municipal Immigration Council Award

Immigration. Projects in the city which stand out for promoting coexistence, equality and inclusion, and combatting forms of racism and hate speech endured by migrants and refugees, can be presented for the award. The deadline for...

Oficina No Discriminació
06/09/2021 - 10:45 h

Racism, xenophobia and LGBTI-phobia, the main reasons for discrimination in the city

Inclusion. The OND has presented data for the first six months of 2021, when it opened 125 cases.

06/08/2021 - 09:21 h

45,000-euro fine for a case of housing-access discrimination

Housing. La multa recau sobre la propietat del pis i la immobiliària que el comercialitzava, que van impedir llogar-lo a una persona d’origen marroquí.

 l'informe 2020 de l'Observatori de les discriminacions a Barcelona
29/06/2021 - 17:44 h

Discrimination cases number 436 in the city in 2020

City Council. Racism, xenophobia and LGBTI-phobia are the main causes detected by the Barcelona Discrimination Observatory.

26/05/2021 - 12:07 h

Help design the Gender Justice Plan 2021-2025

Feminism and women. Four online sessions are being organised between today and 15 June to gather ideas and proposals which will be used to produce the new plan.

21/03/2021 - 10:25 h

Municipal commitment for a diverse and anti-racist city of rights

Inclusion. Racism and xenophobia are the main causes of discrimination in Barcelona.

09/03/2021 - 17:19 h

The SAIER helps the same volume of people, despite the pandemic

Inclusion. Despite the plunge in international mobility, the Care Service for Immigrants, Emigrants and Refugees provided assistance for 19,000 people in 2020.

Oficina No Discriminació
28/02/2021 - 10:14 h

Racism and xenophobia the main causes of discrimination handled by the OND

Inclusion. The Office for Non-Discrimination handled 219 cases in 2020.
