
E.g., 14/09/2024
E.g., 14/09/2024
23/10/2023 - 15:07 h

Building work gets under way on the new Mercat de l’Abaceria

Commerce and markets. The work is expected to take around 24 months.

23/10/2023 - 14:39 h

More investment in the Pla Endreça, a project for the whole term of office

Urban planning and infrastructures. The plan is based around eight spheres of action and has a budget of 550 million euros for 2024.

21/10/2023 - 12:32 h

First ‘Mortadel·lo i Filemó’ traffic lights installed

Culture. The first two sets of traffic lights paying tribute to Francisco Ibañez are now operating in the district of Sant Martí, at the junction between the streets of Treball and Concili de Trento.

20/10/2023 - 15:47 h

Ban on electric scooters and wheels on public transport to continue indefinitely

Mobility and transport. The ATM, in line with the relevant operators, conclude that current regulations do not offer sufficient safety guarantees.

19/10/2023 - 13:37 h

Renewal of litter bins and pneumatic waste collection systems in Ciutat Vella

Environment and sustainability. The process will see 1,504 litter bins and 221 waste collection systems replaced to improve maintenance and conservation.

17/10/2023 - 17:53 h

New maintenance contract for the city’s road tunnels

Urban planning and infrastructures. The Commission approved the awarding of the service contract, which must guarantee the correct condition and working order of fourteen road infrastructures.

17/10/2023 - 14:36 h

More sustainable, durable and resilient concrete paving stones are starting to be used

Urban planning and infrastructures. The paving stones are to be installed in the green hub in C/ Almogavers, where their performance will be assessed.

16/10/2023 - 16:28 h

The transformation of La Rambla speeds up and should be completed in 2027

Urban planning and infrastructures. The remodelling project for this iconic street is set to provide more space to walk in, more culture for citizens and better connections between neighbourhoods.

15/10/2023 - 11:17 h

Special checks on date palms completed

Environment. Parks and Gardens have handled 79 requests from members of the public, mainly linked to the removal of dry foliage.

14/10/2023 - 10:28 h

Accessible children’s games make their debut at Jardins de Montserrat Roig

Urban planning and infrastructures. Renovation work is starting on 17 October on this space located inside the block between C/ Provença and C/ Rosselló.
