
E.g., 15/09/2024
E.g., 15/09/2024
12/12/2022 - 16:00 h

A green half-marathon for all the family with the 31st CEC-Collserola Fun Run

The event is being held in Collserola on Sunday, 18 December, promoting the conservation of the environment and including a series of parallel runs to suit all ages and allow the whole family to take part.

10/12/2022 - 10:22 h

Energy from municipal solar panels doubles in three years

Climate emergency. The commitment to the energy transition helps towards a fairer, more democratic and renewable model.

09/12/2022 - 11:21 h

Work gets under way to transform areas around another 73 schools

Barcelona Superblock. Students, families and local people will have safer and healthier spaces which were previously given over to traffic.

07/12/2022 - 12:27 h

Barcelona becomes first city committed to guaranteeing 100% sustainable and healthy food in public procurement

A groundbreaking directive on public food procurement has been approved to promote local, seasonal and organic food.

04/12/2022 - 10:09 h

Three innovative sustainable systems to be applied in housing regeneration

Innovation. These are the three winning systems in the challenge launched jointly by the Municipal Institute of Urban Planning and the Manager’s Office for Urban Planning with BIT Habitat.

29/11/2022 - 19:00 h

New permanent exhibition at La Model to explain its future transformation

La Model. La Model houses a new permanent exhibition with details on how the site is to be transformed into a hub for facilities, housing and a large city park while maintaining its heritage and historical memory.

29/11/2022 - 14:40 h

New escalators and lifts in mountain neighbourhoods

Mobility. Work gets under way in the next few months to install twenty new escalators and ten new lifts.

28/11/2022 - 15:19 h

A roadmap to shake up the food system and make it fairer, more sustainable and transparent

City Council. The Barcelona Health and Sustainable Food Strategy 2030 is one of the positive results from the city being the world sustainable food capital in 2021.

28/11/2022 - 15:03 h

New bike lane sections to continue enlarging and improving the cycling network

Mobility and transport. The work will strengthen the cyclable connections between districts and with metropolitan municipalities.

27/11/2022 - 10:30 h

Two male hermit ibis from Barcelona Zoo released in Cádiz

Environment. The two male birds will form part of a project to reintroduce the species, which is in danger of extinction.
