
E.g., 24/11/2024
E.g., 24/11/2024
16/01/2023 - 18:28 h

Sign up for the information session where we explain what the Parc de les Glòries will be like

Les Glòries. The City Council is organising an information session to explain the details of the new section of the Parc de les Glòries.

radar reducció de la velocitat

Foto Laura Guerrero/Ajuntament de Bcn.
15/01/2023 - 15:08 h

Speeding fines now apply from the seventeen new fixed-point cameras to reduce accidents

Following a three-month information stage, speeding infringements in these sections will now lead to fines.

Imatge de l'exterior del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, un dels equipaments de la xarxa de refugis climàtics de la ciutat.
15/01/2023 - 14:58 h

Climate shelters in winter too

Climate shelters. The network is made up of 134 municipal facilities and public places, such as libraries, sports complexes, museums and environmental spaces.

13/01/2023 - 14:21 h

The city calls time on ghost kitchens and supermarkets

Urban planning and infrastructures. An end to unregulated activities which had prompted rejection from local people.

12/01/2023 - 16:54 h

Greenery, heritage and science as the Ciutadella del Coneixement starts to take shape

Urban planning and infrastructures. Ten institutions have signed the protocol to promote the project which gets under way with the creation of a research and innovation hub at the former fish market.

09/01/2023 - 14:14 h

Transformations Barcelona will undergo in 2023

Moving into the New Year, we highlight some of the urban planning and mobility changes set to shape the city in the coming months.

09/01/2023 - 12:30 h

General subsidy call for 2023 open

Subsidies. The budget allocation is 21.2 million euros and the deadline for applications is 26 January.

08/01/2023 - 10:58 h

Bike use increases as the cycling network gets bigger and better

Mobility and transport. The increase coincides with the expansion and improvement to the city’s cycling network: nine new lanes already in use, four sections currently in progress and work to start on a further five sections early in...

Open House BCN, Barcelona, arquitectura, la Model, presó
06/01/2023 - 11:18 h

La Model is reborn and attracts over 260,000 visitors in five years

Eixample. The site was regained in 2018 as a space for social and community uses.

06/01/2023 - 11:14 h

Where to take Christmas trees after the festive season?

Christmas 2022. There are 227 collection points for Christmas trees in the city.
