General subsidy call for 2023 open

09/01/2023 - 12:30 h

The new general subsidy call for 2023 has a budget allocation of 21.2 million euros and provides funding through 105 subsidy programmes covering 26 areas by theme. The main new aspect to this year’s call is the inclusion of “reduction of women’s poverty and precariousness”, previously a specific call published independently. Applications should be made telematically and the deadline is 26 January.

The current budget is 0.5% bigger than in 2022 and around 50% bigger compared to 2015. The increase is due to a higher number of subsidies from the City Council and the unification of subsidy budgets which were not previously included, the goal being to make the application and award process simpler and make it easier to access the funding.

A total of 6,137 applications were made in 2022, some 1.7% more than in 2021. Of these, 61% correspond to subsidies offered at a city level, with the rest corresponding to district programmes. Associations are the main applicants and account for 83% of requests made. The rate of repeat applications from associations is very high, while 84% of natural persons submitting requests are first-time applicants.

Applications must be submitted via the procedures portal. To facilitate the process, support will be provided for organisations from some management bodies, particularly in the districts, or advice from the Torre Jussana for organisations.

The 105 subsidy programmes are distributed into 26 areas by theme, which range from culture to sports, health and care, the promotion of organisational activities, support for the homeless and citizen rights.

Climate subsidy call

The application period for climate subsidies is also open from 16 January to 15 February. The goal is to incentivise projects which address the challenge of the climate emergency and offer solutions to achieve the goals established in the Climate Emergency Action Plan.