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New plan to double homes with services and distribute them in all neighbourhoods

18/11/2020 - 15:16 h

A process is under way for an Amendment to the Metropolitan General Plan (MPGM) regulating the implementation of temporary housing, allowing the number of homes with services to be doubled. The change will enable 7,500 new homes of this type to be added, increasing the total number in the city to 13,370. Priority will be given to the public promotion of these homes, which will help cover the temporary residential needs of vulnerable people, young people, students and the elderly.

The measure is based on a new type of accommodation with services, defined by the Government of Catalonia and establishing that they can be located on sites classified as being for private or public communal facilities.

This means that 5% of sites classified as being for facilities in the city, some 41.52 ha in all, can be used for this type of accommodation, a third more than at present.

What type of accommodation can be implemented?

  • Housing with services for young people, the elderly, students and vulnerable people.
  • Accommodation linked to healthcare: for people providing support for minors or dependent people, people who need to isolate and people in long-term treatment.
  • Accommodation linked to social assistance: people at risk of exclusion, women who suffer male violence, dependent people and young people linked to labour insertion programmes for people over 20 etc.
  • Student accommodation and halls of residence.
  • Accommodation for the purposes of work linked to a cultural production facility.

Pricing, both public and private, and the characteristics and dimensions of each type of accommodation, will be set with a by-law to be drafted in parallel with the urban plan.

The measure, initially approved by the Commission for Ecology, Urban Planning, Mobility and Infrastructures, will continue to make its way through the municipal administrative process.