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One step closer to the first stage to connect the tram systems

18/03/2021 - 16:55 h

The spatial reorganisation of the section in Av. Diagonal, between C/ Castillejos and C/ Girona, along with the Canòpia area at Pl. Glòries, is the first step towards the future connection of the tram systems. The Commission for Urban Ecology, Mobility and Infrastructures has approved the project for Av. Diagonal, and the Government Commission has also given final approval for the urban development of the Canòpia with the aim of work starting in autumn 2021.

Urban development of Av. Diagonal

The transformation of the section in Av. Diagonal for the first stage to connect the tram systems will be divided into two development projects. One is between Pg. Sant Joan and C/ Marina, where the central section of the avenue will carry the tram lines and a two-way bike lane, with side pavements also to be widened from 3 to 7.5 metres. Traffic here will be reduced to two lanes in each direction, along the sides of the avenue.

The other is between C/ Marina and C/ Castillejos, where the central pedestrian strip and two-way bike lane will be maintained, green strips will be widened to 1.5 metres, side roads will have one traffic lane and pavements will be widened from 3 to 7.5 metres. The total cost of the work is 34.8 million euros.

Remodelling of the Canòpia Urbana in Glòries

Besides the interchange connecting the T4, T5 and T6 tram services, various urban and inter-urban bus services and the connection with the Glòries stop on the L1 metro line, the urban project for the Canòpia Urbana includes:

  • A pergola with solar panelling to function as a canopy at the interchange, located on the side nearest the sea, in front of the Museu del Disseny in the section between C/ Cartagena and C/ Badajoz.
  • Three biodiversity nodes to facilitate the mobility of species making up the ecosystem in the Parc de les Glòries.
  • Gardens in the areas around the entrances to the Glòries L1 metro station.

There will also be some remodelling work to roads and paths in the vicinity of the Canòpia. This work will cost 21.4 million euros.