Debating the Barcelona Sewerage Plan

18/03/2021 - 12:00 h

Barcelona City Council starts a citizen participation process offering the chance for people to find out about and debate the planned improvements to the sewerage network: sewers, drain systems, water tanks, city drainage and the sustainable management of the network.

Sanitation is an essential service in the city which often goes unnoticed. The Sewerage Plan is conceived as an efficient urban resilience tool to protect people, assets and the environment. The main challenges Barcelona has to face with regard to climate change are: the rise in temperatures, scarcity of water, increase in flooding and loss of beaches.

The participatory process now being started by the City Council via the platform Decidim Barcelona aims to inform people about sewerage planning and the action envisaged, as well as gather proposals, considerations and priorities from those participating. Another goal is to make people jointly responsible in the correct use of the city’s sanitation service and foster good practice.

Timetable for sessions:

  • 24 March 2021. 6 pm. General session to present the debate, the goals and the benefits of the Sewerage Plan and its contribution in the fight against climate change.
  • 14 April 2021. 6 pm. Session for local people in L’Eixample. Besides addressing the Sewerage Plan, information will be given on current work on the drainage system in Av. Diagonal.
  • 21 April 2021. 6 pm. Session for local people in Sants-Montjuïc. Besides addressing the Sewerage Plan, information will be given on work on the drainage system along Av. Paral·lel.
  • 28 April 2021. 6 pm. Session for local people in Sant Martí. Besides addressing the Sewerage Plan, information will be given on work on the underground rainwater collection tanks in Rambla de Prim.

Those wishing to attend one of the sessions should register in advance on the Decidim Barcelona website by clicking here and selecting the session to go to.

This process comes within the context of the approval of the special urban plan on underground infrastructures to manage flood risks, partly developed by the master plan for comprehensive sanitation in Barcelona (PDISBA).