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Local shops and businesses benefit from ‘Open Streets’

19/03/2021 - 20:28 h

A qualitative study demonstrates the success of the ‘Open Streets’ initiative, which has been very well received by local people (75% in favour or very much in favour) and by local shops and businesses.

According to the survey, local commerce has benefitted from ‘Open Streets’. This is the perception of 81% of shopkeepers and business owners, with a majority (65%) noting the positive impact of closing the streets to traffic at weekends. Local residents are in agreement, with 36% affirming they have been shopping in the neighbourhood more at the weekends since the initiative began.

The qualitative study interviewed 535 people and also demonstrates the changes in habits in terms of mobility: 61% walk more, 26% get around more by bike or with personal mobility vehicles, and 26% use cars less.

The prohibition on motor vehicles and the change in habits have a direct effect on aspects such as environmental quality, road safety and people’s use of public space. As many as 78% of people surveyed felt that environmental quality is better every weekend and 77% perceived a better use of public space by local people.