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Barcelona Energia: two years offering renewable public energy

18/05/2021 - 20:43 h

The metropolitan electricity distributor providing completely renewable power has helped achieve savings of 1.3 million euros in power costs and 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions in the city. Barcelona Energia (BE) was set up in 2018, initially to supply all municipal facilities, and has also been offering tariffs for the general public since January 2019. Private customers and businesses have been able to benefit from an average annual saving of 80 euros.

Barcelona Energia currently manages over 8,500 power sources, supplying 3,651 users in Barcelona and the metropolitan area and 4,680 public facilities. Besides supplying electricity, the company advises all its users on optimising efficiency and achieving energy savings in their homes, businesses or facilities. This personalised support has been rated as excellent by users.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Barcelona Energia adapted its pricing to socio-economic needs, dropping it by 8% on average and allowing users to defer payment of electricity bills until the second quarter of 2020. Last summer also saw the launch of special pricing for businesses, SMEs, shops and the self-employed.

More information on Barcelona Energia, pricing, the energy model and the promotion of energy efficiency and self-consumption can be found at barcelonaenergia.cat.