Gale alert activated

08/12/2021 - 11:58 h

Given the weather forecast and the strong winds, the City Council activated the basic emergency plan for strong winds on this morning. Citizens are recommended to take extra care and avoid places which are exposed to winds.

The Barcelona Fire Service were called out around twenty times this morning, to handle incidents relating to strong winds in the city.

During gales, the following recommendations are issued:

At home

  • Avoid high places which are exposed to winds, such as terraces, scaffolding or similar.
  • Remove plant pots and other objects which could fall from windowsills and balconies.
  • Check antennas and air-conditioning units located outside the home.
  • Make sure windows and doors are properly closed.
  • Lower blinds and close awnings.


  • It is advisable to keep clear of cornices, walls and trees which may fall.
  • Extra caution when circulating next to buildings under construction or where work is being carried.
  • Extra caution during activities outdoors.
  • Caution with vehicles parked in the street. The wind can blow mopeds and elements of urban furniture over.
  • Try to keep away from the beach. Gale force winds often cause tidal surges and high waves.

For full safety recommendations check the Barcelona Fire Service website.