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The CO-HAB-Raval project receives 80,000 euros to improve the habitability of five properties in El Raval

10/12/2021 - 14:25 h

The proposal, one of the six winners of the first call for grant applications for “Proactive city” innovations, is aimed at improving the living conditions of El Raval residents and involves co-designing and co-manufacturing, and the active participation from local residents, a host of microprojects working on the habitability of the properties, the ventilation and lighting of the interior spaces, the accessibility of the common spaces, energy efficiency and the promotion of healthy habits.

The renovation work is being carried out in five properties located in C/ Les Carretes and C/ Sant Ramon, Rambla del Raval, C/ Sant Pacià and C/ Peu de la Creu, which are noted, as with many other properties in the neighbourhood, for their high-density and old buildings.

The projects being worked on involve the co-manufacturing of common roofs for communal use on the roof terraces of two properties, safer and nicer accessible stairs, the installation of a skylight and opening of windows by the stairs to improve the quality of the air inside and provide better comfort and ventilation in the lobby. Work is also being carried out on the stairs of another block of flats, and a prototype being made for improving the lighting in the interior common spaces of another property.

These microprojects are low-cost solutions open to prototyping, dismantling and recycling which can be co-manufactured through simple assisted self-construction techniques and processes. All in all, they enable the empowerment of local residents in managing, transforming and improving their habitable and community space.

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