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Changes to mobility in El Raval, with priority for bikes and pedestrians

19/12/2021 - 10:06 h

Mobility is to be improved in El Raval so that the area is geared more towards cyclists and pedestrians. A series of measures is already being implemented to change the direction of circulation various streets, reduce space for vehicles, restrict access times to interior streets and extend loading and unloading areas with more than 200 new spaces.

The changes are to be introduced in stages, so during the first quarter of 2022 the direction of fifteen streets will be changed. Specifically:

From mid-January:

  • Carrer de Torres i Amat, between Carrer de Joaquín Costa and Ronda de Sant Antoni
  • Carrer de Joaquín Costa, between Carrer de Valldonzella and Carrer de Torres i Amat
  • Carrer del Tigre, between Ronda de Sant Antoni and Carrer del Lleó
  • Carrer del Lleó, between Carrer del Tigre and Carrer de Ferlandina
  • Carrer de la Lluna, between Carrer de Ferlandina and Carrer del Peu de la Creu
  • Carrer del Peu de la Creu, between Carrer de la Riera Alta and Carrer dels Àngels
  • Carrer del Doctor Dou, between Carrer d’Elisabets and Carrer del Pintor Fortuny
  • Carrer d’Elisabets, between Carrer del Doctor Dou and La Rambla

From the beginning of February

  • Carrer d’Erasme de Janer, between Carrer de la Riera Alta and Carrer del Carme
  • Carrer del Carme, between Carrer d’Erasme de Janer and Carrer de Maria Aurèlia Capmany
  • Carrer de la Riera Baixa, between Carrer del Carme and Carrer de l’Hospital
  • Carrer de Sant Ramon, between Carrer del Marquès de Barberà and Carrer Nou de la Rambla

From mid-February

  • Carrer Nou de la Rambla, between La Rambla and Avinguda de les Drassanes
  • Carrer de Santa Madrona, between Carrer Nou de la Rambla and Carrer de l’Arc del Teatre
  • Carrer de l’Arc del Teatre, between Avinguda del Paral·lel and Avinguda de les Drassanes

As from the second quarter of the year, the number of loading and unloading spaces will be increased, although operating times will be reduced with the elimination of the afternoon time band. In all, the neighbourhood will gain 213 spaces, in the following sections:

Northern Raval: 109 places

  • Sant Antoni and Riera Alta; around Pl. Castella – Terenci Moix, Pl. Àngels, Pl. Vicenç Martorell, Pl. Pedró; Egipcíaques, Pl. Bonsuccés, Pintor Fortuny, Joaquín Costa

Central Raval: 68 places

  • Sant Agustí, around Sant Oleguer, Nou de Sadurní and Sant Pau, Rbla. Raval and Rda. Sant Pau

Southern Raval: 36 places

  • Drassanes, around Dolors Aleu, Nou de la Rambla, Pl. Ramon Berenguer el Vell, Santa Madrona

Reduction in hours of access to the neighbourhood by car

In addition, from 7 am to 9 am and 2 pm to 9 pm, access to El Raval by car will be prohibited, except for vehicles belonging to local residents, access to car parks and other authorisations. This will mean priority for journeys by local people on foot and by bike during the busiest times, such as when children arrive or leave school.

Bike-lane network completed

The bike-lane network in the neighbourhood of El Raval is due to be completed in 2022, connecting it to the rest of the city’s bike network. The sections due to be finished are:

  • Carrer dels Àngels, Carrer de Torres i Amat and Carrer de Valldonzella
  • Carrer del Tigre, Carrer del Lleó and Carrer de la Lluna
  • Carrer de la Riera Alta and Carrer del Carme
  • Carrer de l’Hospital and Carrer de Sant Antoni Abat
  • Carrer Nou de Rambla and Carrer de les Tàpies
  • Carrer Nou de la Rambla and Carrer de la Unió
  • Avinguda de les Drassanes and Rambla del Raval

All these changes form part of the Raval Mobility Action Plan, resulting from the analysis by the Ciutat Vella Mobility Plan 2019-2024. This involved an extensive participatory process among local people and was designed taking into account the particular characteristics of the neighbourhood.