Public transport prices frozen for 2022

22/12/2021 - 18:34 h

Current pricing for public transport in the Barcelona metropolitan area is to be frozen for the coming year. The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) has agreed to keep prices as they are, maintaining the current range of tickets and extending the expiry date of tickets purchased this year until 31 December 2022.

This is the second year running that public transport prices have been maintained to help mitigate the negative impact of the pandemic for many individuals and families. The validity of tickets purchased in 2021 is also being extended until 31 December 2022. In the case of the T-verda, the T-16 and the T-compensació covid, expiry dates for tickets will not change.

Demand for public transport in November 2021 stood at 82% of the figure for 2019. The ATM expects mobility on public transport to return to pre-pandemic levels in 2022.

At the same time, the Council of Ministers has approved a contribution of 40 million euros for the ATM, a notable improvement in funding for public transport, which found itself in a worse situation due to the pandemic. Important challenges faced by public transport include strengthening, renewing and decarbonising the bus fleet, helping to reduce private traffic, boosting and modernising the metro service and driving the digitalisation of transport.