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Over a thousand actions to improve maintenance of public space

29/05/2022 - 10:43 h

The roll-out of the new Cuidem Barcelona cleaning service continues, now with over 1,600 actions to improve the maintenance of public space through a budget of forty million euros. A new cleaning unit is also being created to be quicker and more flexible, more flowers and trees are to be planted and a new tool introduced for people to analyse maintenance carried out in all neighbourhoods.

The main actions in the maintenance plan now being introduced and applied until 2023 are:

Green spaces

  • Over 700 actions.
  • Boost for maintenance of greenery.
  • Improvements to watering.
  • Planting of 1,500 trees to avoid empty tree beds, plus 55,000 flowering plants.
  • Specific maintenance of dog areas, vertical gardens and sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS).
  • Specific action in 88 green spaces where there was no management of greenery, such as plots of land and embankments.
  • Cleaning of strips of woodland in Collserola to prevent fires.


  • Maintenance and improvements to over 2,300 metres of sewer systems in Barceloneta and Poblenou.


  • Renewal or improvement of lighting in 66 city streets.

Urban space 

  • Over 500 actions.
  • Renewal of 93 kilometres of paving.
  • Improvements and renovation of artistic heritage in public space.
  • Comprehensive renovation of spaces citywide (graffiti, benches, paving, urban elements and more).
  • Repainting of tactical urban planning elements in Poblenou, Sant Antoni, Consell de Cent and Rocafort.
  • Maintenance of 16,757 m2 of pedestrian crossings and 67,841 m2 of lines dividing bike lanes.
  • Cleaning of water springs and dog areas.
  • Pest control.

A plan open to citizens

As from September, anybody wishing to monitor maintenance work being carried out or due to be carried out will be able to use a new consultation tool, which includes:

  • A dynamic report to check the status of work by neighbourhood, district or the city as a whole.
  • A dynamic map on the status of work by area, type of service, year or status of implementation.

The public play a key role in the roll-out of the Cuidem Barcelona plan. So far there have been thirty neighbourhood meetings in the five districts where the new cleaning plan is operating. These sessions have brought together the demands and suggestions of local people and assessed the main needs for maintenance in the neighbourhood.

Since coming into operation last October in the districts of Ciutat Vella, L’Eixample, Gràcia, Sant Andreu and Sant Martí, the main actions have been the following:

  • 2.3 million m2 cleaned with water
  • 8,774 m2 of graffiti cleaned
  • 3,458 exterior cleans of waste containers
  • 105,517 m2 of green space weeded or cleared of litter
  • 160 benches and seats reconditioned
  • 176 bollards renewed
  • 2,214 m2 of pavements repaired
  • 1,515 vertical signs repaired

During all this time, a team of information staff have been helping with the roll-out of the plan and explaining the new cleaning service in areas in the centre and the east of the city. Information has been given to residents and shops and businesses, with data also gathered on issues and incidents arising during everyday operations.