Let’s all look after Barcelona together

17/06/2022 - 10:47 h

The Cuidem Barcelona plan continues to be rolled out throughout the city, with a range of activities in every district to improve the cleaning and maintenance of public space.

This plan encourages a sharing of responsibility with city residents, aiming to reduce antisocial attitudes on the streets and squares of the city, and in this way improve coexistence.

With this goal in mind, over the coming weeks there will be two community clean-ups in the Sants-Montjuïc district to highlight the need to share the task of looking after our surroundings, and stress how important this is.

On Friday 17 June, upper primary school pupils from the l’Escola Joan Pelegrí will be joining forces with street cleaners and Parks and Gardens staff to improve the quality of the environment in the Espanya Industrial Park, one of the most emblematic spaces in the Sants neighbourhood.

Pupils will learn about the importance of sharing the work of caring for public space, reflect on the type of rubbish that is most frequently left in the park, and the ways in which together we can improve the maintenance of this space.


Civic engagement initiative in Folch i Torres square

On the afternoon of Friday 17th June, the Aula Ambiental de Ciutat Vella and the Servei de Mediació Comunitària de Ciutat Vella are organising a civic engagement initiative that is to include artistic, recreational and clean-up activities in Folch i Torres square.

With the aim of promoting civic behaviour and respect for shared public space, various associations and organisations in the neighbourhood have joined forces to highlight the necessity and importance of taking joint care of our immediate environment, our neighbourhood.

Throughout the afternoon there will be activities, games and workshops for all ages. From 6 p.m. onwards, children will have the opportunity to get into one of the new electric cleaning vehicles from the “Cuidem Barcelona” fleet and learn first-hand about the work they do, as well as taking part in a big fun game called “Creat”. Moreover, children, families, young people and adults can have a go at being gardeners for a while, and planting their own plants in the Sembra Natura nature workshop.

The youngest members of the community have an important role to play here. A group of young people from the Franja Raval educational programme will be in charge of maintaining and redecorating the community composter in the square. And until 27 June, you can enjoy the photographic exhibition “Our Task in the Square”, created by the young migrants of the Raval Team at the “punt verd” recycling point.

Furthermore, the Centre for the Elderly, who use this square, will be inviting you to leave a note on the Wishing Tree with a view to improving coexistence in the neighbourhood and living in a cleaner environment.

Many other surprises await in an afternoon devised to ensure that everyone has a good time, and reflects on how important it is for us all to pull together to take care of our city.



With the same aim in mind, another civic clean-up initiative will be held on Sunday 3 July, this time in Montjuïc Park (near the Satàlia football pitch). In this case, volunteers and members of the Cuidem Montjuïc organisation, who regularly do clean-ups in the park, and the street cleaners and Parks and Gardens staff will all be working together, highlighting the benefit of citizen participation in maintaining and looking after the city, and in improving coexistence.

We will soon be bringing you news about this new initiative, and opening registration.