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Second stage of work tendered to connect the tram systems in Av. Diagonal

16/07/2022 - 10:45 h

The process gets under way to award the contract and draft the final project for the second stage of the work to connect the tram systems along Av. Diagonal, in the section between Verdaguer and Francesc Macià. With a budget of 914,397,05 euros, this stage will lead to the unification of the Trambaix and Trambesòs systems. Work is currently in progress to urbanise and install the infrastructure for the first stage of the project, in the section Glòries-Verdaguer.

The final project now being tendered will have to include the work needed to implement the tram network (infrastructure and superstructure) in the whole area in question and the reurbanisation work for the section of Av. Diagonal between Passeig de Sant Joan and Passeig de Gràcia (central section, parterres, side lanes and pavements). This also applies for the section between Passeig de Gràcia and Plaça de Francesc Macià (central section, parterres and changes to side lanes) and the part of Av. Diagonal as far as Av. Sarrià, where some reurbanisation work will also be needed in the central section and the side lane nearest the sea to be able to complete the link-up with the Trambaix system.

The project will also need to take into account how the work is coordinated with the project to extend the drainage tank in Av. Diagonal between C/ Girona and Pl. Francesc Macià. The drafting of the final project for the extension work to the drainage system in this section will also be tendered next week. The drainage work must be carried out before the work on the tram network and the reurbanisation of Av. Diagonal is carried out.

Besides creating the tram infrastructure, the link-up of the Trambaix and Trambesòs systems must enable the revamp of Av. Diagonal to continue, with mobility to be organised prioritising the safety of pedestrians and cyclists through wider pavements and more space to walk in.

The idea is to award the drafting of the project before the end of the year and for the drafting process to take a year.

The link-up of the two systems will give Barcelona a public transport system connecting nine municipalities in the metropolitan area.