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Work under way to revamp the planthouse in Parc de la Ciutadella

30/08/2022 - 12:01 h

Work has started on the project to renovate the Hivernacle structure in Parc de la Ciutadella, with two goals: to restore the heritage building, which maintains its original use, and to resolve the structural pathologies detected in the last stage of work, completing the renovation of the inside and the outside of the building.

Today the building will be equipped with a monitored ventilation system and humidifiers for its function as a planthouse. The work entails an investment of nearly two million euros and is expected to take a year.

The building has 1,000 square metres of space and is listed as a cultural asset of national interest. It consists of three units: the central section, higher than the others, and two side sections known as the Picasso unit and the Magnòlies unit. All three require a complete renovation.

The project forms part of the strategy to renovate and regain city heritage. It is a key part of consolidating the Parc de la Ciutadella as a strategic space with a series of very important assets in terms of the environment, heritage, culture, knowledge and innovation.