Measures to cut noise at night in Ciutat Vella

04/08/2022 - 12:44 h

A series of measures are to be applied in Ciutat Vella as part of the plan to cut noise pollution in streets and squares prone to excessive noise levels. The measures include bringing forward closing times by an hour for bars and restaurants and their terraces, plus food and drink stores, in C/ Joaquim Costa, Pl. Àngels, C/ Escudellers and Pl. George Orwell.

Bars and restaurants in these parts of Ciutat Vella must close a 2 am, while terraces must close at 11 pm throughout the week. Other measures to be implemented include a limit on the number of modules per terrace and a prohibition on joining tables together, limiting them to four people or a family group so that larger groups move inside the premises. Food and drink stores will have to close at 10 pm.

Tables and chairs will also need to have plastic feet and chains used to secure elements on terraces must be plasticised. The plan also includes limits on concerts and events in these streets and restrictions on the introduction of new activities. Inspection plans and monitoring tasks will also ensure establishments comply with the maximum capacity for all activity.

Cleaning services will be bolstered so that establishments dump glass in containers during the day and not at night. At the same time, awareness campaigns will continue, with more staff laid on for this purpose until the year is out. The plan also involves a greater City Police presence in these streets.

The measures only affect these spaces in the district and are set to come into force once all the relevant administrative procedures have been completed. The plan to cut noise comes after results from sound meters in these locations in Ciutat Vella showed that permitted thresholds were consistently exceeded by 3 decibels at night.