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Work gets under way to transform the Barcelona Superblock in L’Eixample

16/08/2022 - 14:01 h

Work is now under way to create the four green avenues in the Barcelona Superblock plan, in the streets of Consell de Cent, Girona, Rocafort and Comte Borrell. The transformation will also create four new squares at the junctions between Consell de Cent with Girona, Rocafort, Comte Borrell and Enric Granados, adopting a 21st century urban model which among other things will reduce asphalt and create more pedestrian space and greenery.

Changes to mobility in green streets

Work will be carried out simultaneously at different points around the four streets, the goal being to bring about the transformation in the shortest possible period of time. The most significant change is that as from today, mobility will adopt the format planned for the definitive transformation of these streets. This means vehicles are allowed to circulate but there will only be one traffic lane, with drivers unable to cover two consecutive sections, instead being forced to turn at each block. For instance, if a vehicle enters Consell de Cent from Muntaner, it will have to exit the street turning left into Aribau. As for the future squares, vehicles will be unable to cross these as they would previously, having to turn instead.

The bike lane will also be eliminated in the streets of Consell de Cent and Girona, although bicycles will be able to circulate in both directions along green streets, sharing them with pedestrians and other vehicles. Alternative bike lanes will be those in València and Gran Via and in the case of Consell de Cent, and those in Roger de Llúria and Pau Claris in the case of Girona.

Work will be carried out in halves, either on the side of the street nearest the mountains or the side nearest the sea. This will guarantee one lane of circulation for local residents, bikes and emergency vehicles, with the pavement free for pedestrians to use. Access to reserved entrances and car parks will be possible at all times and there will no disruptions to public transport.

Preliminary work was carried out to relocate the main services in July and early August: parking spaces for people with reduced mobility were relocated, new loading and unloading zones were added and motorcycle and bike parking spaces were also moved.

More space for pedestrians, more greenery and more social uses

The four green streets correspond to the new 21st century street model in the Barcelona Superblock plan, fostering life outdoors, adding a new environmental infrastructure and stimulating local commerce:

  • Asphalt disappears. A more sustainable new panot paving stone will be used in front of façades and at junctions, with granite stone for the rest of the space, gaining 58,000 square metres of space for pedestrians.
  • More urban furniture. New rest areas and children’s play areas will be created in each section. New lampposts will be lower and installed in central locations to foster more social uses.
  • Greenery multiplied by twelve. Over 400 trees are to be planted in these four streets and squares, with a more diverse range of species occupying the central part of the street to achieve more foliage and shade. Subsoil will be vegetal, with more natural qualities and biodiversity, and rainwater reused.
  • Vehicles as guests. Vehicles can only circulate at low speeds (10 km/h), essentially only local residents, services and emergency vehicles. The current differences between the road surface and pavements will disappear, with curbless paving to help local commerce.
  • 31 new small squares or rest areas.

As for the four squares to be created, the ones at the junctions between Consell de Cent with Comte Borrrell and Girona are conceived as more neutral and flexible spaces for different civic uses. The ones at the junctions with Rocafort and Enric Granados are conceived as spaces more like gardens, promoting greenery and spaces for people to spend time in.

Public information campaign

A series of general information sessions and specific sessions for retailers’ associations in the affected neighbourhoods was conducted in the weeks leading up to the start of the Barcelona Superblock transformation. Information staff made their way around all shops and businesses in the affected areas, providing information, resolving queries and facilitating a Telegram channel to keep people up to date with progress and changes in the work. This service will be back in September to offer new information.

In addition, as from the end of August members of the public and retailers will have access to a reference figure who they can approach in the case of possible incidents and to resolve doubts, concerns or complaints by telephone or by email.