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Work starts on solar panelling to provide local power at the Ronda del Litoral

11/08/2022 - 11:45 h

Work gets under way on the night of 11 August to install solar panelling which will generate local power at the Ronda del Litoral ringroad. The new installation will be one of the largest in the city, mounted vertically on a wall and taking advantage of a city infrastructure as important as the ringroad.

The panelling will be installed on the Llobregat-bound side of the road, between the semi-open section between the Bac de Roda viaduct and Carrer de Lope de Vega. It should generate 43,000 kWh/year of electricity, equivalent to the annual consumption of eighteen families and representing a saving of 15,480 equivalent kilogrammes of CO2.

In all, 112 modules with 380 watt peak power units will be installed, practically vertically, across an overall surface of 209 square metres. The installation will connect with the power supply for the ringroads and the technical room at the Vila Olímpica.

The introduction of power generation into remodelling projects in the city is one of the goals linked to the Climate Emergency Declaration, as generating clean local energy is a key part of combatting the current climate crisis. To this end, the City Council has promoted various measures to incorporate sustainability into works projects and to include solar power generation in the different municipal projects carried out in public space.

The goal is to take advantage of all opportunities offered by public space to generate energy. Other projects, such as those at the Espai Barça, the Colònia Castells, Cristóbal de Moura and Pi i Maragall also include these types of installations as a sustainable urban solution.