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Disruptions to mobility owing to tramway work over the coming months

13/06/2022 - 17:08 h

Work will continue this summer to join up the city's tram network through Av Diagonal. This will disrupt mobility in the city along several points, with diversions and changes in bus and cycling traffic.

Av Diagonal, from C/ Lepant the from to C/ Naples

27 June to 22 July: work at the junction between C/ Castillejos and Av Diagonal led to traffic closures along C/ Castillejos from that junction, allowing access for locals residents and services only. There will be diversions through C/ Aragó, C/ Lepant and Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, and from the junction between C/ Castillejos and C/ Consell de Cent.

The services cordon will be removed from the sea-facing side of Av Diagonal, between Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes and C/ Lepant, and a one-way traffic lane set up along that side.

As for cycling traffic, the bike lane will run along the promenade along Av Diagonal, connecting to the bike lanes along C/ Padilla and C/ Cartagena.

Because of the work, bus stop number 3623 (Castillejos – Enamorats) will be transferred to a new location before the junction between C/ Castillejos and C/ Aragó.

25 July to 18 August: the traffic disruptions will move to the junction between C/ Padilla and Av Diagonal and half a section at a time:

  • 25 July to 5 August: the Llobregat-facing side of the junction will be occupied. A traffic lane along the Besòs-facing side will be in service. The turn up from the sea-facing side of Av Diagonal to C/ Padilla will close to traffic.
  • Del 5 al 18 d’agost, ocupació del costat Besòs de la cruïlla. A traffic lane running along the Llobregat-facing side will be in service. Cycling traffic will be shifted to the Llobregat-facing side.

23 July to 19 September: the work will move to the junction between Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes and Rambla dels Encants. A traffic lane will be left in service in the Gran Via direction. Traffic will be diverted according to the requirements of the work.


Av Diagonal, from C/ Lepant the from to C/ Naples

From 14 June on: widening of the current occupied parts of the street, corresponding to the sea-facing side of C/ Nàpols and C/ Sicília, the sea-facing traffic island separating Av Diagonal from C/ Aragó and C/ Sicília, and the traffic island separaring C/ Marina from C Consell de Cent.

Because of the widening work, the Llobregat-direction bike lane along the section in question will have to be moved. It will shift from the sea-facing side to the mountain-facing side, becoming a bi-directional bike lane.

3 July: there will be painting and resurfacing work along C/ Aragó, between C/ Sardenya and C/ Marina, and along C/ Marina, between C/ Aragó and C/ Consell de Cent, which will involve lane closures, although two traffic lanes will always be in service.

Once the work has finished, the entire central part of Av Diagonal will be occupied, between C/ Aragó and C/ Marina. Traffic will only be allowed through C/ Sardenya, along two traffic lanes.

The sea- and mountain-facing parts of Av Diagonal will also be occupied, between C/ Marina and C/ Lepant, with traffic allowed through C/ Consell de Cent along three lanes.


Av Diagonal, from C/ Naples to C/ Girona

From 14 June on: the widening of the parts of the street currently occupied will involve occupying the sea-facing separator along Av Diagonal, between C/ Girona and C/ Nàpols. This will require relocating the Besòs-direction bike lane to the mountain-facing side, creating a bi-directional bike lane along the section between Passeig de Sant Joan and C/ València.

28 June to 12 September: traffic disruptions to C/ València in its section between Av Diagonal and C/ Roger de Flor. Only two traffic lanes will be in service, along the mountain-facing side, and the bike lane will be removed.

4 to 29 September: traffic will start to be re-established along the sea-facing side of C/ València. Two traffic lanes will be in service along with a bus lane.