Commitment to create 45,000 green jobs by 2030

20/10/2022 - 10:36 h

Projects such as the transformation of the industrial estates in the Besòs area or the Barcelona Superblock model will enable the city to generate nearly 45,000 jobs linked to the green economy. The commitment forms part of joint agreement at the World Mayors Summit. The global capitals meeting in Buenos Aires have set a common goal to create 50 million jobs which are not linked to fossil fuels and must help to limit global warming and create fair and healthy communities.

Specifically, the C40 Declaration endorses and includes three Barcelona initiatives as examples: the promotion of the Superblock model, publicly built rentals and the renovation of buildings and public space, and the urban regeneration project for the industrial estates around the Besòs. For instance, notable aspects to the new Barcelona Superblock street model include replacing asphalt with lower carbon-footprint materials, better water collection systems and the generation of 8,000 jobs.

Green works are those which develop an activity geared towards reducing pollution and conserving natural resources, or which have no negative effects for the environment. Some 50 million green jobs are currently needed to enable cities to halve their emissions, according to the goals set out in the Paris Agreement.

The presentation of the C40 Declaration in Buenos Aires came at the start of the World Mayors Summit, which brings together the main global capitals opting to work together for green and fair economic recovery for the benefit of all. The summit is chaired by the Mayor of London, with vice-chair Barcelona heading the group of European cities along with Milan.