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Pilot project to programme recharging for electric vehicles in municipal car parks

16/11/2022 - 13:17 h

Testing will begin at the BSM Porta de Sarrià car park in the district of Sarrià – Sant Gervasi, the goal being for vehicles to be recharged at times when the demand for energy is lower. This smart energy management measure forms part of the European programme eChargeDrivers, which the Endolla Barcelona recharging network for electric vehicles is participating in.

How will users plan recharging at the municipal car park in Sarrià – Sant Gervasi?

Users will have to park their electric vehicle in front of an Endolla Barcelona point inside the municipal car park, access the Smou municipal mobile app and scan the QR code for the recharging point. They will then be able to choose if they wish to charge the vehicles at that point or schedule the day and time of the recharge.

If scheduling the recharge, users need to indicate the planned pick-up time for the vehicle and the desired charge level for the battery. As a way of saving energy and money, vehicles will be recharged during off-peak hours.

Endolla Barcelona as the largest network of charging points in the state

Barcelona has over 650 recharging points for electric vehicles, making it the biggest public electromobility network in the Spanish state, with a recharging point for every 11.4 electric vehicles on the roads. Most points (75%) offer slow-charging and are located inside BSM municipal car parks. The rest are fast-charge points located in streets and intended for occasional use.