The playgrounds citizens want, closer than ever

29/12/2022 - 17:04 h

The city’s playgrounds are backbones of neighbourhood life and bring people together, as seen in the study recently carried out by the Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens, with the participation of 7,000 families.

Surveys were carried out through 905 posters with QR codes hung up in all the city’s playgrounds. Residents’ participation enabled the Institute to collect quality information on the uses of playgrounds and preferences in terms of rethinking, improving and optimising these spaces. In fact, some of the contributions have already been used to implement improvements in over 140 playground renovation and creation projects, and are a starting point for future city spaces.

Children and families map out their ideal playgrounds

A large majority of users go to playgrounds close to their house or school, spend 30 minutes a day at these spaces, and find them to be spaces for interaction with other people. Children’s favourite pieces of playground equipment are play structures, swings and slides, and they’d like there to be skipping ropes and zip lines. These elements are very much appreciated in the playgrounds that do have them.

Vegetation, open space, a wide range of games for children of different ages, quiet and distance from traffic are highly important to families. As for contributions regarding what they’d like to enjoy, comments include the need for more shade, the expansion of playgrounds that are busy at certain times, the renovation of the equipment and the inclusion of more skipping ropes and basketball hoops. Families would also like to see more benches and public toilets.

Nearly €3 million to renovate fifty playgrounds

In the coming months, improvement and reurbanisation projects will be implemented in a total of 49 playgrounds around the city, with a budge of €2.95 million. There are currently 905 playgrounds in Barcelona, with five more expected to be added this coming year.