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Sign up for the information session where we explain what the Parc de les Glòries will be like

16/01/2023 - 18:28 h

Work on the central section of the Parc de les Glòries is about to start! Workers and machinery will occupy this part of the park in a few weeks to start work on the last big section of the park. Because of this, the City Council is organising an information session on Monday, 23 January (6 pm), to be held in the Sala Barcelona in the offices of the Area for Urban Ecology at the City Council (Av. Diagonal, 240, 2a planta), right next to the future park.

Work to make the Parc de les Glòries a reality began some years ago with the first section featuring the Gran Clariana, a spectacular hectare of continuous grass allowing people to enjoy nature in the middle of the city. It was accompanied by other unique spaces for public use, such as a large play area with a giant slide.

Last year saw work get under way on another section of the park on the side nearest the sea, right next to the Museu del Disseny – DHUB, an area where work is also in progress to extend the tram system. With the road tunnels now fully operative and the surface in Pl. Glòries free of cars, the time has come to start work on the central section of the park, right where the traffic used to pass through.

What will this part of the Parc de les Glòries be like?

If you would like to know all the details on the various spaces that will breathe life into this new green lung between the districts of L’Eixample and Sant Martí, sign up for the information session being organised by the City Council on Monday, 23 January.

When? Monday 23 January, at 6 pm

Where? Sala Barcelona in the offices of the Area for Urban Ecology at the City Council (Av. Diagonal, 240, 2a planta)

Is registration required? Yes. Use this link to sign up.