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Energy transformation and the Next Generation Funds are the protagonists of the REhabilita technical conference

18/01/2023 - 15:21 h

Confronting the climate crisis and energy prices is a global priority. And the solution involves, in part, promoting the energy renovation of buildings. Around this framework, next January 24 will take place a new edition of REhabilita, an initiative promoted by the College of Technical Architecture of Barcelona (Cateb) has a strategic committee formed, among other representatives, by the Barcelona City Council.

Since 2014, REhabilita has established itself as the annual renovation event for the construction sector. A meeting point that seeks to raise public awareness of the importance of renovation, transfer knowledge among professionals and transform the sector.

This year’s technical conference, which will be led by journalist Elisenda Camps, will consist of four blocks, where several topics will be discussed, such as the day-to-day work of local housing and renovation offices and innovative territorial actions focused on the energy transition. In parallel, there will also be a sample of real examples of buildings that have been energetically renovated, which will serve to analyze how the process has been carried out, what obstacles have been encountered, among other points of interest.

The event on Tuesday, January 24 will take place from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, and will be held in two formats: online and on-site. For the latter, where places will be limited, it will take place at the Auditori Espai Francesca Bonnemaison (C. Sant Pere Més Baix, 7, Barcelona). For both formats, prior registration is required.

Next Generation funds as a springboard

This year’s edition seeks to highlight the value of renovation by focusing on the Next Generation funds, promoted by the European Union. Among other axes, the funds seek to promote the reduction of energy consumption in buildings. And, therefore, subsidize those actions that seek to reduce both the demand for non-renewable primary energy and energy consumption, such as those carried out by the Barcelona City Council.

In this sense, the Next Generation Funds are an unbeatable opportunity to achieve the European guidelines in this field, as well as representing a great economic opportunity and professional growth for all the agents involved. A favorable context that, despite everything, also has certain obstacles to overcome, such as the lack of knowledge of the advantages on the part of the owners and the citizens themselves, as well as the scope of the aid and the complexity of the administrative procedures. Challenges that, precisely, will be put on the table in this technical conference to find solutions and answers.

The Barcelona City Council is making significant efforts to offer its citizens different aids aimed at improving their homes. Renovation is not only about maintaining and preserving the urban and architectural fabric: renovation also improves the efficiency and quality of life of people and regenerates the image, coexistence, and social cohesion of neighborhoods, towns, and cities, facilitating the generation of local jobs and access to decent housing.