Llum BCN set to light up Poblenou nights again

23/01/2023 - 15:44 h

February brings the return of the one of the most eagerly awaited events on the annual cultural agenda. Llum BCN reaches its twelfth edition with its eyes on current crises, with thirty installations and works covering topics such as the link with energy or climate change. The festival will be lighting up the streets of the Poblenou neighbourhood for everybody to enjoy in the evenings from 3 to 5 February.

Participants at Llum BCN 2023 include thirteen creators from the world of contemporary art, design, architecture and lighting from here and around the world, plus up to fifteen art and design and architecture schools in Barcelona. Every space and creation invites people to take part in an urban laboratory to explore, contemplate and inhabit the city from new and unusual perspectives.

Current crises as central themes for Llum BCN 2023

This year’s edition does not want to overlook the crises our planet and societies currently face. Because of this, some of the installations focus on matters linked to energy or climate change. This is the direction of the work by the Korean group Kimchi and Chips, offering a new icon which is energy self-sufficient, and the work by Thijs Biersteker, who proposes an interactive kinetic sculpture driven by wind power.

The large light projects decking out the streets of Poblenou will be accompanied by +Llum, a circuit of small and medium-format installations conceived by the Poblenou Urban District.

Full information on Llum BCN 2023 festival can be found at barcelona.cat/llumbcn.