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Europan 17 chooses regeneration projects for El Besòs i el Maresme

28/04/2023 - 12:45 h

Projects can now be submitted for the international architecture contest Europan 17, one of the most important events in Europe in this sector. The goal is to reimagine and rethink specific urban areas in various European countries. The contest is aimed at young professionals under the age of 40 and linked to urban landscapes and architectures projects. In Barcelona's case, the contest is looking for innovative urban regeneration projects for El Besòs i el Maresme, in the district of Sant Martí.

Europan 17 includes projects from participants to improve 51 sites in 12 European countries in all. There are eight sites in Spain. Barcelona City Council has actually been collaborating with the project for some years, having previously presented other areas in the city such as Canyelles, Vallbona, La Sagrera and Torrent de l’Estadella.

On this occasion, Barcelona presented the neighbourhood of El Besòs i el Maresme, currently immersed in a process of urban regeneration: “Many of the buildings were constructed in the 1950s and 1960s, with poor quality materials, bad foundations and accessibility problems. The social and economic complexity has made renovation and maintenance difficult and now a significant effort is required for urban regeneration”.

Young people wishing to take part have until 30 July to sign up and submit their projects. The winners will be announced on 4 December. In Spain’s case, a jury of top architecture professionals from Spain and Europe will choose eight first prize winners and eight second prize winners, with monetary awards of 12,000 and 6,000 euros respectively.

Full details on the Barcelona site can be found on the Europan website.