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Come and celebrate the last “Open Streets” of the season!

21/06/2023 - 12:41 h

The “Open Streets” being held on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 June is the last edition of the season, again opening up the streets of Gran de Gràcia and Sants - Creu Coberta for people to stroll or play in or enjoy local shops.

This is the last chance to enjoy these streets in the districts of Gràcia and Sants-Montjuïc, free of cars, fumes and traffic noise. Gran de Gràcia and the streets of Sants – Creu Coberta will be offering a final edition of “Open Streets” this weekend (Saturday and Sunday, from 10 am to 9 pm), before the summer holidays.

As usual, the initiative does not take place in July and August. That means this will be the last weekend when streets are closed to traffic and all space given over to pedestrian uses: walking, taking the opportunity to do some shopping free of stress in local shops, reading a book outdoors or improvising games in the middle of the street with friends.

“Open Streets” is back over the weekend of 1 and 2 September.


Coexistence with bikes and scooters

It’s important to remember that there are some exceptions for “Open Streets” meaning that the vehicles of local residents can circulate in streets to access or exit their parking facilities, always from the nearest intersecting street and according to the instructions of staff controlling traffic and the City Police. Check the details using this link.

Bicycles and scooters may also circulate in these streets.però els usuaris han de respectar sempre la preferència de les persones que es desplacen a peu: han de circular a un màxim de 10 km/h i, en cas que hi hagi aglomeracions de persones, és obligatori baixar del vehicle i anar a peu. Check the information poster.