Commitment to becoming climate neutral by 2030

15/09/2023 - 14:48 h

The city’s Climate Agreement has been approved, setting out a series of measures to become climate neutral by 2030 and promote decarbonisation. The agreement has also been presented to the European Commission, a step needed to obtain the seal for the EU Mission for “100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030”, providing advantages in access to EU funding.

Barcelona is one of a hundred cities chosen to take part in this initiative, which will help speed up the city’s energy and climate transition. The measures to achieve this are set out in the city’s Climate Agreement, which defines the key areas and sectors for the city which are also the main generators of greenhouse gases.

One of these sectors is mobility, and the agreement backs public transport and the promotion of park-and-ride schemes in collaboration with other administrations, as well as the promotion of mobility on foot and by bike. In terms of the building sector, the agreement identifies the need to make progress with new systems which protect against extreme temperatures and to work with materials and technologies that favour decarbonisation.

Regarding the energy sector, the document seeks to foster the implementation of renewable energies in municipal building and the creation of private energy communities producing power for their own consumption.

Finally, the agreement addresses the need to minimise the generation of waste, promote alternative water supply systems, increase the number of green spaces and make use of façades, rooftops and interior spaces to boost vegetation.