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Renovation work concludes at twelve children’s play areas

18/11/2023 - 10:13 h

Final improvements are being made at twelve children’s play areas. Work has been carried out in recent months to improve safety and accessibility, with various elements also replaced. The work forms part of the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan, under Barcelona’s Pla Endreça.

Most of the play areas have new rubber surfaces and better spatial organisation, separating relaxed play spaces from those for more dynamic play. These twelve play areas are safer for children and more accessible too, with routes around the different spaces or elements that enable everybody to enjoy playing there.

Half the renewed areas are already open to the public, with the rest to open within a few days or weeks. The renewed play areas are:

  • Parc de la Ciutadella, side nearest the Llobregat in Plaça de Joan Fiveller (Ciutat Vella).
  • Pla de Palau, the two play areas here (Ciutat Vella).
  • Parc de Joan Miró (Eixample).
  • El Polvorí (Sants-Montjuïc).
  • Riera Blanca, yard in the Quetzal block (Sants-Montjuïc).
  • Plaça del Mig de Can Clos (Sants-Montjuïc).
  • Parc de l’Oreneta (Sarrià-Sant Gervasi).
  • Plaça Martí Llaurador (Sarrià-Sant Gervasi).
  • Plaça Bacardí (Horta-Guinardó).
  • Jardins de Rosa de Luxemburg (Horta-Guinardó).
  • Passeig de Valldaura, with Carrer de Lorena (Nou Barris).

Other complementary measures have been applied, such as the installation of callisthenics circuits in Av. Estadi (Sants-Montjuïc), Parc Central de Nou Barris and Jardins de Xavier Benguerel (Sant Martí).

The budget for all this work was 1.1 million euros. The improvements come as part of the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan, under Barcelona’s Pla Endreça. In addition, the final plan has now been drafted for another 30 children’s play areas in 20 different spaces, allowing for the renewal of play elements, the addition of accessibility elements and improvement of uses and spaces.