The new Meridiana reaches Carrer Felip II

31/05/2024 - 09:34 h

The project to turn Av. Meridiana into a corridor where pedestrians, greenery and sustainable mobility all take priority continues to progress, with the third section between C/ Josep Estivill and C/ Felip II now completed. The revamp provides continuity for the sections already completed as far as Parc de les Glòries.

The section of Av. Meridiana between C/ Josep Estivill and C/ Felip II includes two lanes for general traffic and one for buses in each direction, reducing the traffic volume by one lane on each side, plus a segregated two-way bike lane in the centre of the avenue, and wider and greener pavements with 124 new trees and parterres.

In front of Pl. Ferran Reyes and Jardins de Maria Soteras Mauri, the central section becomes wider and offers a broad walking avenue between the two sides of the street, with pedestrians getting priority. Here the bike lane divides into two one-way lanes, one on each side of the central section.

Another measure introduced a 180-degree turn by C/ Espronceda for buses coming from outside Barcelona. This turn means buses can let passengers on or off and leave Barcelona without having to enter and circulate within the neighbourhood streets.