Pont de Santander now open to pedestrians

13/07/2024 - 15:11 h

The remodelling project improves accessibility and the bridge and the connection between the neighbourhoods of Bon Pastor and La Verneda i la Pau, in Sant Andreu and Sant Martí, respectively. The project came about after a citizen initiative gained nearly 4,500 signatures supporting it.

The new bridge includes:

  • Pavements 4 metres wide on each side.
  • A one-way bike lane on the road surface in each direction.
  • One traffic lane in each direction.

The slope leading onto the bridge has also been reduced to facilitate pedestrian access, with lighting and traffic lights renewed and wi-fi points installed.

There are also plans to add fifty trees and parterres here once the drought ends.

A bridge to celebrate!

Local people in the neighbourhoods of Bon Pastor and La Verneda i la Pau gathered for a celebration to mark the renovation of the Pont de Santander.

The project responds to a long-standing demand from the local community in these neighbourhoods.