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2021’s “Good ideas for changing the world” were presented at the “Get moving for climate” awards ceremony

22/06/2022 - 08:47 h

As in previous years, the Barcelona More Sustainable Network rewards ten initiatives that have been implemented by members of the network as good practices in sustainability. This year, for the first time, the ceremony held was open to all city residents.

The Barcelona More Sustainable Network’s ‘awards ceremony for good practices ‘was held on Saturday, 11 June, in the framework of the “Get moving for the climate” day event. A ceremony that was officially opened by the Manager for the Environment and Urban Services, Frederic Ximeno, expressing his gratitude for the network’s work and encouraging organisations to continue working, networking and convincing more people to tackle the ‘climate emergency.

Lluís Sala, the Deputy Chair of the Citizen Council for Sustainability, and several members of the ‘Col·legi Sant Ramon Nonat’s Eskamot Verd were tasked with publicly announcing the selected projects. The organisers that came up with ‘these proposals went up on ‘stage to receive their award and the ‘gift of ‘a miniature wooden Arrels cabin, made at the Arrels Foundation’s workshop to help make #ningúdormintalcarrer [noone homeless] possible, and ‘a jar of marmalade made from oranges taken trees growing in Barcelona’s streets.

Mention was made, during the ‘ceremony, of the more than fifty initiatives entered for becoming one of the year 2021’s ten “Good ideas for changing the world”’. You can check out all the initiatives from the Decidim platform.

Each of the initiatives selected correspond to one of the ten goals of the Citizen Commitment to Sustainability for 2012-2022, the roadmap for the Barcelona More Sustainable Network. It fell to the Standing Committee of the Citizen Council for Sustainability, which is chaired by the Councillor for ‘Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition, Eloi Badia, to deliberate and choose the good practices.

‘Special consideration has been given for initiatives dealing with’sustainable food in the framework of Barcelona World Capital of ‘Sustainable Food 2021.

Selected initiatives include a restaurant that converts all its leftover food into dog biscuits and its used oil into soap, thereby turning waste into a resource, an association made up of a total of 23 enterprises and organisations working to encourage and involve citizens in re-naturalising the city and a school that closes the cycle of organic matter by converting the latter into compost and returning it to the farmers providing them with ‘food, among ‘other people.

These ten “Good ideas for changing the world” will feature in the Barcelona ‘Report on’sustainability indicators ‘for the year 2021, a document that summarises and assesses the ‘city’s development regarding the goals of the Citizen Commitment to Sustainability for 2012-2022. This year will be the tenth edition of the document, whose aim is to raise the profile of the initiatives that have been carried out in the city relating to sustainability.

The following organisations are the ones that have been selected:

  • Anèl·lides, Serveis Ambientals Marins and the ‘Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM)
  • Camí Amic, Canvis en Cadena and Bicibús
  • EcoSec and Grup Atra (Hort amb Gràcia)
  • Escola Nou Patufet
  • Green Leka and Restaurant Leka
  • La Barqueta
  • Les Mercedes
  • Monatur
  • Pana
  • Replantem