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2030 Agenda: social, economic and environmental goals for the next ten years

27/10/2020 - 16:46 h

The Barcelona 2030 Agenda Localisation Report sets out the seventeen social, economic and environmental goals and the 139 targets for the city to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The document will be presented at October’s full council meeting and sets out the strategies and tactics which have been conceived to get through the social, economic, environmental and health crisis and guarantee a sustainable future.

In order to define the targets and match them to the local and metropolitan reality, 82% of the SDGs have been adapted and a set of more than 220 indicators have been defined to control the implementation of this local roadmap. Alliances and approval from city stakeholders will be needed to make it a success though.

The targets include:

  • Reducing hunger so it affects less than 0.5% of the population.
  • Getting the mortality rate for infectious and parasitic illness below 8 and the morbidity rate below a level to be determined.
  • Getting the annual rate for male violence towards women below 5% and the number of femicides down to zero.
  • Getting registered unemployment below 70,000 people, the rate of labour poverty below 10%, the gender wage gap down to zero and more than 1,000 people with disabilities contracted every year by the Barcelona Labour Inclusion Network.

The localisation of the targets has been validated by the Academic Advisory Board, which is made up of renowned figures from the academic sphere. A monitoring board will now also be set up with city stakeholders to oversee the process.

The city’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda was set out in the full council meeting of 30 September 2019, with an institutional declaration which all groups subscribed to. To make it a reality, a cross-cutting managerial commission has developed this document combing technical rigour and political commitment, and which is in line with the Municipal Action Plan (PAM) and the Municipal Investment Plan (PIM).

The document outlining all the goals and targets can be found here.