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227 collection points for Christmas trees all around the city

06/01/2022 - 10:37 h

The city will have 227 collection points all around the ten districts from 7 to 17 January, allowing for the disposal of Christmas trees and decorative branches. The collection points are provided to avoid trees being left in public space. As a natural resource, they are also recycled to improve the maintenance of green spaces.

As ever, the city’s cleaning services are tasked with removing the trees, mainly firs but also various tree branches used as Christmas decorations.Collection points can be found on the website.

Municipal services collected 8,558 trees last year. These were taken to the municipal tree nursery and ground up, left to age and used to make mulch, a gardening material which helps retain humidity and aerates the soil. Mulch also helps avoid the appearance of weeds.

It takes two or three months of treatment to produce good quality mulch. The resulting material is spread around green spaces in the city over the first six months of the year. The trees recovered last year were used to produce 120 m3 of mulch.