A new design for the Mercat de l’Abaceria

21/12/2021 - 19:23 h

The new Mercat de l’Abaceria now has a final design proposal, taking on board practical input from traders and local people in the way it distributes the space at the market. The Barcelona Institute of Municipal Markets (IMMB) will now start the process to approve the basic project for the facility and the urban mechanisms needed, with the design team to continue drafting the final project required for the work to be awarded and executed.

The definitive market will have 14,350 square metres of floor space and offer a new public space for the district of Gràcia, featuring:

  • More space for people to use in the surrounding area, regaining all perimeter space around the market and the area in Carrer de la Mare de Déu dels Desemparats.
  • A roof which regains the building’s noble appearance and facilitates energy efficiency, with ceramics and solar panelling.
  • A new entrance in Carrer de Torrijos, previously not possible due to the ramp giving access to underground levels at the market.
  • A new storage area on the third floor below ground for local associations and commerce.
  • A replica structure exactly the same as the current one, with a material complying with the technical requisites.

The area around the market will also be greened up and new businesses added to complement the market’s range of fresh produce and services, which most city markets already have.

The goal of this agreed renovation project offers an opportunity to preserve the most important facility in the neighbourhood in terms of fresh and healthy produce, maintaining a significant number of small local businesses and their jobs. The project also fosters the building’s fundamental role in social cohesion and will make for a sustainable market, in keeping with the goals for the climate emergency.

The remodelling project is for a ground floor market, with an upper floor on two levels and three underground floors.