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A new section of Carrer Gran de Sant Andreu is to be traffic calmed

04/04/2021 - 09:06 h

Initial approval has been given to the complete plan for re-urbanising the street between Ccarrer de Joan Torras and Plaça de Mossèn Clapés, in the Sant Andreu district, which will enable continuity to be brought to the section of the street renovated towards the end of the last municipal term of office and continue enhancing the pedestrian space and rest areas, to encourage business and restrict vehicle traffic.

Consistent with the work already carried out between Rambla de Fabra i Puig/Onze de Setembre and Carrer de Joan Torras, the section will have a single platform put in place, giving pedestrians and cyclists right of way, and a further 18 trees planted along with 396 square metres of shrubs. In addition, its urbanisation elements, such as pavings and services, will be updated and 28 benches and 19 chairs added.

The project also includes a small part of all the streets that cross the section: C/ Joan Torras, C/ Agustí i Milà, C/ Guardiola i Feliu, C/ Tramuntana, C/ Campeny, C/ Colòmbia, C/ Valentí Iglésias and C/ Valira. The total area covered is 9,384 square metres, with work carried out along 460 metres de Carrer Gran de Sant Andreu, which, together with the 850 metres of the first section, come to a grand total of 1.3 km of new public space.

The project will have a budget of 4.15 million euros. Work is expected to start in September and last for one year.