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Acquisition of 78 new contemporary works to boost the city’s art collections

15/07/2021 - 15:26 h

The city is extending its collection of art through an acquisition by the MACBA, which is purchasing 78 contemporary works produced by 73 creators from the city and the metropolitan area. The acquisition forms part of a programme to support the local cultural network, the aim being to recognise and conserve as heritage the artistic production of generations previously under-represented in public collections.

The Barcelona Institute of Culture (ICUB) is spending 600,000 euros on the purchase of contemporary art, selected by a jury of representatives from the MACBA, the MNAC, the ICUB and the Culture Council from among 3,285 proposals. The selection process took into account the quality of the works, their contribution to collective heritage, how they tie in with the areas of interest for public collections, the professional profile of their authors and how they represent the artistic contemporariness of the city and the metropolitan environment.

The pieces will form part of the city’s art archives and be included in the various collections at the MACBA and the MNAC. This will guarantee their access, circulation and dissemination through the city’s various art circuits.