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ADG Laus awards for the campaigns ‘Compra a prop’ and ‘Superilles’

15/06/2021 - 17:27 h

Two communication campaigns run by Barcelona City Council in 2020 have won Laus 2021 awards. The outdoor publicity campaign ‘Compra a prop’ was designed to encourage people to shop locally and won the Laus d’Or in the category for art direction in illustration, while the series of ads about the city’s superblocks took the Laus de Plata in the category for art direction in audio-visuals.

The communication campaign ‘Comerç a prop, which won the Laus d’Or in the category for art direction in illustration, promoted local consumption after the lockdown for Covid-19. The campaign called for positive and empathetic action and commitment from people through a series of illustrated characters giving visibility to the city’s ecosystem of local shops and businesses.

The series of ‘Superblocks’ ads, which won the Laus de Plata in the category for art direction in audio-visuals, made the case for citizens regaining a part of public space currently occupied by cars. The communication campaign used three different ads to show the different ways people can enjoy car-free public space.

Awarded by the Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors from the FAD, the annual ADG Laus in Graphic design and Visual Communication recognise the most outstanding projects according to five criteria: conceptual quality, formal quality, functionality, excellence and contribution.