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Disruptions to mobility for resurfacing work on the Ronda Litoral

05/07/2023 - 13:51 h

The Barcelona Metropolitan Area is carrying out resurfacing work over the weekends of 8 and 9 July and 15 and 16 July.

The Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) will be carrying out resurfacing work on the Ronda Litoral to renew 470 tonnes of material between exit 26 and exit 27 heading towards the Nus de la Trinitat intersection and the link between the C-58 and the B-20, northern Montgat-bound section. The work will mean the following disruptions:

Weekend of 8 and 9 July

Two traffic lanes of the Ronda Litoral heading towards the Nus de la Trinitat will be closed at Km 5 and Km 3.8, from 10 pm on Saturday 8 to 12 noon on Sunday, 9 July. As a result, exit 26 for Sant Adrià de Besòs and exit 27 for the C-31 will be closed. To enable traffic to be diverted, the direction will need to be changed at exit 30, in Pl. Monterrey in the Bon Pastor neighbourhood, so that vehicles can get the B-10 in the direction of the Llobregat.

There will also be a total closure of the northern section of the link between the C-58 and the B-20 in the direction of Montgat. The diversion will be from exit 30 for the B-10, in the direction of the Llobregat, to change direction.

Weekend of 15 and 16 July

The following weekend, from 10 pm on Saturday, 15, to 12 noon on Sunday, 16 July, resurfacing work will be carried out between exit 27 and exit 30, in the direction of the Nus de la Trinitat, and at exit 1 of the B-20, heading towards the Llobregat.

This involves the closure of the three traffic lanes on the Ronda Litoral heading towards the Nus de la Trinitat, between Km 3 and Km 2, without affecting slip roads.

In any event, exit 1 of the B-20 in the direction and the slip road providing access to the Ronda de Dalt from Trinitat Vella will be closed. The diversion here will be via exit 2 of the B-20, heading towards the Llobregat.

Source: AMB