Applying new measures for cultural facilities

30/10/2020 - 10:48 h

On Thursday 29 October, the Generalitat of Catalonia announced new measures aimed at containing the propagation of Covid-19, which will be implemented for the next two weeks. Among other sectors, these restrictions directly affect the development of cultural activities.

In-person cultural programmes at civic centres have been suspended, but online programmes will be maintained. These facilities will offer the activities established in the Generalitat’s resolution: social intervention programmes and activities and social canteens, as well as teaching activities for any educational centres that require them. The Barcelona Cultural District’s in-person autumn programme has been temporarily suspended.

The Barcelona Library network will remain completely open while the services offered by these facilities will be limited to the borrowing and return of documents that have been reserved beforehand. All online services and the allocation of space to educational centres for collective activities will continue.

The city’s creation factories will continue with the creation activities and internal work of their residents, along with professional training, at one-third maximum capacity, and educational activities linked to educational centres, such as In Residence and workshops with bubble groups.

Municipal museums, exhibition halls and archives will retain their normal opening hours, but at one-third of their maximum visitor capacity. All cultural activities associated with the normal activities of these centres involving members of the public have been cancelled for the duration of the restrictions, including workshops, performances and conferences.

The Sala Barcelona programme at Montjuïc Castle, co-produced with the Catalan Association of Concert Venues, has postponed any concerts scheduled for this period, until the restrictions are lifted.

The Popular Culture season at the city’s Ateneu centres will be maintaining its planned activities without audiences; they will be broadcast on the Popular Culture YouTube channel.