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Barcelona City Council and "la Caixa" Foundation allocate 2 M€ for grants in scientific research projects

05/07/2021 - 12:11 h

The Barcelona City Council and "la Caixa" Foundation have published a new call for extraordinary grants aimed at funding scientific research projects. The announcement of the call corresponds to the grant programs planned for the years 2021 and 2022, and has a total allocated budget of 2 M€, of which 1.2 M€ will be provided by the Barcelona City Council and the other 800,000 € by "la Caixa" Foundation. The distribution between both calls is 1 M€ for 2021 and 1 M€ for 2022.

The new call is the result of a new collaboration agreement between the two institutions that is framed in some of the pillars and objectives of the Barcelona Science Plan 2020-2023, in which both institutions coincide, including the consolidation of the line of research grants to address the most urgent urban challenges of the city. The terms are available, and the period for submitting projects will open in the coming weeks and will remain open until September 13. In addition, an online information session will be held on 15 July from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to resolve any doubts that may arise.

The call is aimed at projects based on research into urban challenges that can be included in one of the proposed areas: (1) aging and quality of life; (2) mobility and environmental respect and protection; (and 3) sustainable city: new technologies applied to housing, space and public services.


Project requirements

Projects submitted for grants must address the urban challenge from an interdisciplinary and metropolitan perspective, and must aim to provide scientific evidence to inspire future policy decisions in the city of Barcelona. They must also be original, without prejudice to the fact that they may be registered or may follow lines of research already underway by the applicants, must address the issues from a local perspective, taking into account the context of the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area, and must be executed within a maximum period of 18 months from the date of notification.

In addition, in the treatment of the scientific topics, the composition of the research group, that is, of the individuals who will develop the project, as well as in the development methodology itself, the projects must consider the gender perspective.

In terms of composition, projects must be submitted by groups formed by a minimum of three different entities working in cooperation, to promote synergies and optimize the design, implementation and dissemination of the projects, and to promote alliances between several agents. Among the clusters of entities, there must be at least two institutions that have research as one of their main activities.

Clusters may be formed by: public universities, research institutes, private universities, public research bodies, other R&D centers with their own legal personality linked to public administrations, or majority-owned by the public sector, regardless of their legal form; public and private non-profit entities and health institutions; public and private non-profit entities that can contribute positively to the design, execution, application and social impact of the project; companies and business organizations linked, according to their corporate purpose, to the content of the project; other organizations that contribute to the dissemination and popularization of science, or that support scientific and technological transfer.