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Barcelona hosts the second “48H Urban Agriculture and Greenery”

11/05/2022 - 15:17 h

Over 50 free workshops, talks and guided tours for local people to discover the city’s green spaces and sustainable green agriculture practices.

From 14 to 15 May Barcelona will be holding the second edition of the “48H Urban Agriculture and Greenery” festival, an event organised by the Replantem Association with the support of Barcelona City Council to promote green culture.

Free activities which can be booked for this two-day event include over 50 experiences, talks, guided tours and face-to-face workshops at city allotments, green rooftops, hydroponics farms, a compost workshop, periurban allotments and more. The purpose of the event is to share green agriculture projects which are changing the environment and to help people discover more sustainable practices.

A weekend full of eco-sustainable activities

Activities include vegan cheese tasting workshops, a fruit tree planting session, exchanging plants and cuttings and planting vegetables and fragrant plants in green spaces, guided tours of municipal urban allotments and sustainable spaces, and talks on topical issues such as “Our relationship with trees”, among other things. For instance, Barcelona City Council will be taking part in a presentation of the municipal programme “Mans al Verd”.

There will also be direct experiences with the best-known projects and spaces in the city linked to greenery and agroecology. For example, workshops on horticulture and agroecology, promoting urban biodiversity, sustainable food and compost, and visits to urban and periurban allotments, green rooftops and hydroponics farms. There will also be a chance to visit allotments run be city associations as well as municipal allotments such as the ones at the former country houses Can Mestres and Can Cadena.

Replantem Association

Replantem is a non-profit association made up of 24 professionals, companies, entrepreneurs and organisations. The association was conceived to create a reference community for sustainable and green culture projects in Barcelona, the goal being to promote the importance of sustainable and green practices in an increasingly urban world.

48H is also being held in other European cities, including around 20 municipalities in France (a pioneer in launching this initiative four years ago), as well as in Belgium and Switzerland.

Want to discover the greenest side of the city? Visit the website les48h.cat and sign up for the free activities.