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Barcelona welcomes CICLOBCN21, and celebrates the 2021 Bicycle Festival

04/10/2021 - 11:42 h

CICLOBCN21 is a multi-event that seeks to champion the leading role that bicycles play, and underline the commitment of both institutions and the public to encourage their use. For the first time Barcelona will be simultaneously hosting three congresses on cycling within the CICLOBCN21 framework:

  • The 2021 EuroVelo and Cycling Tourism Conference: is the most important cycle tourism currently held in Europe, and in the world. This is a biennial event supported by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF). It took place for the first time in 2012, with the aim of promoting cycle tourism in Europe and the development of the EuroVelo network, a collection of fifteen transnational cycle tourism routes that cross Europe from one end to the other.
  • The 7th International Cycling Conference: is Catalonia’s main forum for presenting new developments and exchanging experiences related to the world of cycling.
  • The 18th Iberian “Cycling and the City” Conference: is a joint initiative by the Coordinadora en Defensa de la Bici and the Portuguese Federation of Cycletourism and Bicycle Users (FPCUB) where new developments and experiences in cycling in Spain and Portugal will be showcased.

CICLOBCN21 has been organised thanks to the combined efforts of Barcelona City Council, the Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona Provincial Council, Barcelona Metropolitan Area, FEM BICI and ConBici, as well as the support of volunteers and cycling organisations from all over the country. The programme includes conferences, talks and meetings between professionals, exhibition spaces, technical visits, and an agenda of events and activities open to everyone. The on-site event is being held at the AXA auditorium and can also be followed online. Check out the full programme via this link: https://ciclobcn21.cat/


2021 Bicycle Festival

The final event of CICLOBCN21, the Bicycle Festival will be held on Sunday 10 October. The event is back after having to be cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic. It will take place between 10 am and 3 pm on Passeig de Lluís Companys. This is a community based initiative; the aim here is to celebrate a participatory event that’s open to everyone, and that encourages the use of bicycles as a regular means of transport within a mobility model that is focused on being ever safer, healthier, and more sustainable.

The 2021 Festival has been adapted to the new reality arising from Covid-19, which means there will be some changes compared to previous years. These include more space for exhibitors, fewer activities, and no product raffle in order to avoid crowding and ensure that safety measures are respected. The traditional bicycle ride will not be held this year either.

These are the activities that will be held on Sunday morning on Passeig Lluís Companys:

  • Trade fair: where associations and businesses connected with the world of cycling will have a space to make themselves known to the general public.
  • Circuits: There will be 6 diverse circuits for different age groups, so that people can try out bicycles in different ways.
  • A space for health: where various associations will be on hand to link healthy habits and cycling.
  • Stage spaces: a new feature this year, with spaces created specifically for the event, and short 10-15 minute shows that will be repeated throughout the morning.
  • Services: During the festival there will be a variety of services available to attendees: two information points on Passeig de Lluís Companys, one at either end of the street; two free secure bicycle parking areas, each with spaces for 50 bikes; medical and health services.

All Covid-19 protocols will be in operation during the festival. The use of a face mask will be mandatory, capacity controls will be in operation at the venue, and there will be a maximum limit to the number of people who can take part in the activities.