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Bicing gets bigger: 1,000 more electric bikes and 74 new stations

11/11/2023 - 10:11 h

The city’s Bicing fleet is getting another 1,000 electric bikes and 74 new stations to enable the network to match the high demand for the service. The figures for 2023 set a new record, with 147,000 subscribers and 18 million bike uses.

On a working day, Bicing gets over 60,000 users, a third more than in 2019. The change in the trend is also clear in the type of bike that users choose. To be precise, 70% of journeys are made with electric bikes.

Half the new electric bikes will be added to the fleet in the second quarter of 2024, with the other 500 to follow at the end of the year. This will bring the total number of bikes to 8,000, of which 5,000 will be electric.

74 new stations to handle demand

In parallel, 74 new stations will be added, taking into account the areas where demand is greatest and the neighbourhoods where the goal is to improve connectivity. The installation will be carried out gradually over the course of the year as follows:

  • 42 stations in areas where demand is greatest (mainly in L’Eixample and Sant Martí)
  • 10 stations to improve connections between neighbourhoods: Trinitat Nova (connection with Ciutat Meridiana), La Clota (with El Carmel), El Carmel (with Vallcarca, La Teixonera and El Coll)
  • 14 stations to continue extending the network to new neighbourhoods: La Marina del Prat Vermell, Can Caralleu, Montbau and Sant Genís dels Agudells
  • 8 stations to bring the Parc de Montjuïc closer to the city